A moulvi did imamath for two days. In fact he was a musafir. He did not tell nor muktado know about this. It only came to when he left after two days. What should we do. Should we make qaza of the nimaz which was immath by him.
asked Nov 7, 2021 in Prayer / Friday & Eidain prayers by haroon rashid

1 Answer

Ref. No. 1700/43-1338

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

The answer to your question is as follows:

It is obligatory on Musafir to shorten a 4 Rakat prayer into two Rakats only. However, if a musafir imam leads four rakats then the prayer of local followers will not be valid; they have to reoffer all 4-Rakat prayers that offered behind musafir imam. Because, the last two rakats were supererogatory for the musafir Imam and were obligatory for the followers. And it is not permissible to offer obligatory prayer behind a person performing a nafl prayer. Therefore, the prayers of the local followers are not valid in the above case. So it is obligatory on such people to repeat the prayers of four rakats.

''فلو أتم المقیمون صلاتهم معه فسدت ؛ لأنه اقتداء المفترض بالمتنفل''۔ (شامی ص ۸۲۷ ج۱)

And Allah knows best

Darul Ifta

Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband

answered Nov 20, 2021 by Darul Ifta